The Distance Certificate is an important document for students who need to verify their place of residence in relation to their educational institution.
The Government of West Bengal has made it easier for students to obtain a distance certificate online through the official e-District portal at
In this article, you will get to know the following points on how to get a distance certificate in West Bengal,
- Details required
- Steps to apply for distance certificate in West Bengal
- Steps to download distance certificate in West Bengal
Let’s see each of these points in detail.
Details required to get Distance Certificate in West Bengal
The details required to apply for a Distance Certificate in West Bengal for students are:
- Details of the applicant
- Address of the applicant
- Parents/Gurdian’s details
- Name and address of institution
- Domicile Certificate (Mandatory)
- Admission Documents from College/University (Mandatory)
- Railway and/or Bus ticket (Optional)
Steps to apply for Distance Certificate for students in West Bengal
To get a distance certificate in West Bengal,
Step 1: Go to the official website

- First, go to the official website of West Bengal e-District 2.0 at
- Next, click on the ‘LOGIN/SIGNUP’ button.
- Next, enter your username and password in the specified fields.
- Next, enter the captcha code and click on the ‘Login’ button.
- The dashboard will appear.
Step 2: Open the ‘Distance Certificate’ application page

- Now, click on the ‘Services’ option.
- Next, choose the ‘Certificate’ option.
- Next, click on the ‘Distance Certificate for Students’ option.
- A new page will appear showing all the required details.
- Next, click on the ‘Accept’ button.
- The Distance Certificate application form will open.
Step 3: Enter Applicant’s Basic Information
- Next, select the ‘Salutation’ from the specified field.
- Next, enter the ‘First Name’, ‘Middle Name’, and ‘Last Name’ in the specified fields.
- Next, select the ‘Date of Birth’ and ‘Gender’ from the specified fields.
- Next, enter the ‘Age’ and ‘Date of Application’ in the specified fields.
- Next, enter the ‘Mobile No’, ‘E-mail’, and ‘Aadhaar Card No’ in the specified fields. These are optional.
Step 4: Enter the address and parent details
- Next, select and enter all the required details of the Present Address.
- Next, click on the ‘Save & Next’ button.
- A new page will open.
- Next, select the option given under ‘Parents or Husband’.
- Next, select ‘Salutation’ form the specified field.
- Next, enter his/her name.
- Next, select and enter all the required details of the Permanent Address.
Step 5: Enter details of the guardian
- Next, select the option under ‘Guardian’.
- Next, enter all the details of the Guardian as required.
- Next, select and enter all the required details of the Address of the Guardian.
Step 6: Enter the name and address of the College/University/ Institute
- Next, enter the ‘Name of the College or University or Institute’ in the specified field.
- Next, select the ‘Country’ and the ‘State’ form the specified fields.
- Next, select and enter all the required details of the address of the College, University, or Institute.
- Next, enter the ‘Distance from Home to College or University or Institute (Km)’ in the specified field.
- Next, tick the ‘I Accept’ box.
- Next, click on the ‘Save & Next’ button.
Step 7: Upload documents and Submit
- All the details of the application will appear on the screen.
- Next, click on the ‘Attach Supporting Documents’ button.
- A new page will appear.
- Next, upload the required documents in the specified fields by clicking on the ‘Upload’ button.
- Next, click on the ‘Save & Next’ button.
- Next, click on the ‘Submit’ button.
- The AIN will appear on the screen. You can save it for future use.
The Distance Certificate for Students will be applied successfully.
Steps to download Distance Certificate for students in West Bengal
To download the distance certificate in West Bengal,
Step 1: Login to the official e-district portal

- First, go to the official website of West Bengal e-District 2.0 at
- Next, click on the ‘LOGIN/SIGNUP’ option.
- Next, enter your username and password in the specified fields.
- Next, enter the captcha code and click on the ‘Login’ button.
- The dashboard will appear.
Step 2: Download the Distance Certificate
- The list of applications will be displayed on the screen.
- If the status shows approved, click on the Download Certificates symbol under ‘Actions.’
- You can then download the Distance Certificate PDF from the list.
You can then take a printout of the PDF for future use.
By following these steps, you can easily apply for and download your distance certificate online in West Bengal.